We told you on August 7th that a source had indicated that the New York Jets knew about the Brett Favre allegations and that they might hire an investigator in the Jenn Sterger matter. Today, Dan Patrick confirmed such Jets knowledge and took it a huge step further:
Here's another thing to keep in mind I was told by somebody in the know with this. Did Jenn Sterger lose her job with the Jets because the Jets were trying to bring Brett Favre back? Because they were aware of this situation from what I am told. Did that factor in with her not coming back to work with the Jets?
That's why I think she's going after the Jets. Was it wrongful termination. Who gave out my number to Brett Favre? And if she's sitting down with the commissioner I think she's saying I'm going after the Jets here. Not Brett Favre, Favre may be somebody by proxy who gets punished But I think she's going after the Jets there.
Wow. Dan is usually right on with things. (Sources tell us that Jenn did not, however, meet with Roger Goodell yesterday so that part is incorrect) He doesn't put things out there ala Mike Francesa (ie, sans reality).
And as we've said before - the Jets are charged with keeping a harassment free workplace. Add a wrongful termination? They are in a world of hurt.
What was Favre's take on the effect that the investigation has had on his year? “Not that difficult.” Class act.

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