Mike Francesa: Boomer & Carton are Jealous of Me - Craig Responds w/ 'Take a Loyalty Oath' | Bob's Blitz

Mike Francesa: Boomer & Carton are Jealous of Me - Craig Responds w/ 'Take a Loyalty Oath'

Given his only FS1 appearance of the week, Mike Francesa was in rare form yesterday. First, he admonished listeners to 'not get him started' on FOX' broadcast schedule. Then he lectured the owners of FireJohnIdzik.com not to purchase a billboard, stating that they (the creators) were only looking for a little attention for themselves and that they should donate the $10k raised to charity instead.

Mike moved on to inform that he'd noticed a lot of streaking in the NFL, bragged that he was the underbidder on Bayern (again), didn't care whether or not Mark Sanchez was a window thrower, needed his EP to let him know that Amy Trask was an actual NFL exec at one point and made up a story about 89 year old Ramon 'Mike' Hernandez just so that he could brag that Chester Broman is his neighbor up in Saratoga.

And then, off FS1, Dennis in Oceanside called to nuzzle Francesa's wasp nest: "Mike, why is Boomer & Carton always giving your show digs?"

Mike's reply: "Jealousy. I would say jealousy more than anything else. What do I care? I don't pay any attention to them. You don't hear me mentioning them, do you? They only get brought up if some caller brings it up. I don't pay attention, I don't listen. I'm being honest, I don't listen to the radio in the morning."

Not caring, he went on: "Maybe they're miffed I got voted ahead of them in another poll. One time, one day, if they stick to their work, you know, do their homework and, you know, cross their T's and dot their I's, sometime down the road maybe, maybe you know, they'll get the top spot."

"After I retire..."

Hey, when you're making 20/20 appearances...you know you're #1. Don't need any poll.

Craig Carton slammed Mike over his post 9-11 demand for Jewish listeners to take Loyalty Oaths and promised a rebuttal.

**Update - Carton fires back, part 1.

Part 2: Carton bashes Jew hating Francesa over loyalty oaths.

Part 3: They discuss Francesa on 20/20.

Part 4 -- Carton: Francesa hasn't been #1 in seven years.

5: Esiason suggests 20/20 do a "folks who don't fall asleep at work but should" episode. Carton suggests Spike TV look into a "Listen to Sweeny Murti do an update and don't fall asleep" pilot.

6 -- Mike is the #1 show pre-empted by European soccer: Carton, egged on by Esiason.

#7 -- The boys reviewed Mike's Out.

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