Mike Francesa's top-10 on air lies #FrancesaLies # 04 | Bob's Blitz

Mike Francesa's top-10 on air lies #FrancesaLies # 04

Mike Francesa's top-10 on air lies #04

Despite beautiful, clear video of Mike Francesa sleeping on the job, Francesa stated otherwise:

"I did close my eyes during the Sweeny interview for a minute and it was on TV and that's become this big bone of contention because I guess everything we do on this show does. But I can promise you as you can go listen to the interview I was never asleep. I promise you. And I promise I'll never close my eyes again nor will I come in without sleeping because my wife says I can't do that anymore."

BB...(Video) I never woke up, startled, during Sweeny Murti's spot on Monday: Mike Francesa

Leave it to Mike to turn a lie, "I can promise you as you can go listen to the interview I was never asleep." and a promise, "And I promise I'll never close my eyes again nor will I come in without sleeping because my wife says I can't do that anymore." into yet another lie.

BB...SNOOZING: Mike Francesa fell asleep not once but twice on Friday

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