Phil Mushnick: Gregg Giannotti has cleaned up Boomer Esiason | Bob's Blitz

Phil Mushnick: Gregg Giannotti has cleaned up Boomer Esiason

2 months ago we wrote There are only 2 moves that can save WFAN at this point - and Gregg Giannotti mornings was one of them.

Phil Mushnick sums up the run this morning:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Gregg Giannotti seems to be a lock as Boomer Esiason’s new full-time partner.

Giannotti, 2006 Hofstra grad and former FAN intern, thus far has been heard as credible, clever and clean — criteria avoided by Carton in accordance with the how-to-succeed-in-radio manual. Residually, perhaps, Esiason is now more inclined toward good conversation, limiting his obligatory coarse tack-ons.

Giannotti also voices a superb Mike Francesa imitation.

We continued, "Get rid of Al Dukes and Jerry Recco. Get a fresh producer and update person for the fresh new look to boot. The show was tired before the arrest." Before adding: "Move sweaty Brandon Tierney in there 12/18/17. Tierney is just a notch below Giannotti on the humor side. Strong sports guy perfect for afternoon arguments. And if you can get Sid Rosenberg...get him. They'd work perfectly together. If Sid is unavailable -- find somebody else eventually. 5+ hours is a lot for one person every day. Rosenberg is the ideal. Kim Jones, great."

ANY, and we mean ANY talk of scumbag Bart Scott or the 'worse than Jerry Recco' LGBT phobic Chris Simms for ANY slot would, nicely, be a ridiculous fail for FAN. Ridiculous fail. But it looks like CBS doesn't care -- they just made video of Simms disparaging Bruce Jenner's transgender transformation disappear.

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