Hester somehow trademarked the annoying utterance in September. The NY Post:
According to Hester’s Manhattan federal court filing, Songz claims to have used “YUUUP! as his “signature sound” since at least 2009.
Hester, however, argues that Songz’ version “resembles an animal-like or non-human squeal which begins with a distinct ‘yeeee’ sound before finishing with a squeal-like ‘uuuup’ sound.”
That’s “distinct and different from Hester’s more monosyllabic sounding guttural auction bidding phrase...which is meant to convey the meaning of ‘yes,’ ” court papers say.
Hester’s suit seeks unspecified damages and a court order barring Songz from “interfering” with his use of “YUUUP!”
This from a rapper who had a single titled 'Wonder Woman' and 'I Invented Sex' and a 'Mogul' who apparently earned $210k from the sales of items grabbed in the first two seasons of Wars.

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