So 6th Grader Damon Harge is Playing High School Basketball [Video] | Bob's Blitz

So 6th Grader Damon Harge is Playing High School Basketball [Video]

CREEDMOOR, N.C. -- Damon Harge Jr. is 12 years old, is in 6th grade, and is playing high school hoops for Christian Faith Center Academy (Creedmoor, N.C.). Middle School Hoops attended a practice recently and had this to say about Harge: "Damon’s ball handling and vision are a joy to watch. While Damon raced up and down the court finding lanes in the defense and open teammates for easy buckets, the smile never left his face."

Damon is a 5'4 prospect from the class of....2018.

"I'm just saying, I don't want Dame to end up like Demetrius Walker," Damon's buddy John Wall said of the pressure being put on the 12-year-old.

Interestingly, this video posted by Yayareasfinest2006 (The #1 place for Northern California High School Basketball...) back in 2010 also listed Damon as a 6th grader: "Ladies and gentlemen, remember the name Damon Harge... We don't normally showcase players younger than high school, but this is going to be an exception... Damon Harge just began the 6th grade at Modesto Christian and as you are about to see he is going to be the TRUTH out there... This past summer after a dominant performance at the Adidas Phenom Camp (including a camp record-setting 50-point game), Damon came away as the #1 ranked 6th grader in the nation... Take a look at the workout this KID is doing already... Insane Handles... Saw it here first...."

ESPN got hold of him already. SI next?

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