NFL has to love this 'Friday Night Tykes' coach ordering a Pee Wee player to deliver a helmet-to-helmet hit | Bob's Blitz

NFL has to love this 'Friday Night Tykes' coach ordering a Pee Wee player to deliver a helmet-to-helmet hit

Tuesday, January 14th at 9|8c on Esquire Network we'll have the premiere of Friday Night Tykes. FNT takes a in-depth look at the ultra-competitive world of the Texas Youth Football Association. You are possibly an idiot if you start proclamations with the 'I could care less' comment. In this day and age you are probably an idiot if you charge up Pee Wee football players by letting them know that they 'have the opportunity' to make opponents bleed.

You are an idiot if you are a fat slob coach who screams at his players not to quit no matter how much pain they're in instruct one to 'put it [their helmet] in his [an opponent's] helmet' adding, "I don't care if he doesn't get up."