A CrossFit 'Kool Aid Drinker' Would Like You to Know that the 'Ultimate Crossfit Fails Compilation' is not all CrossFit Fails | Bob's Blitz

A CrossFit 'Kool Aid Drinker' Would Like You to Know that the 'Ultimate Crossfit Fails Compilation' is not all CrossFit Fails

The FailArmy released a video titled 'Ultimate Crossfit Fails Compilation' Tuesday. It has 5 million views. We posted said video yesterday under the title, 'CAUTION: The 4 Minute 'Ultimate Crossfit Fails Compilation' has Strong Language.' Self-proclaimed CrossFit 'Kool Aid drinker' Derek W. Fields emails to set the record straight:

Hello Bobsblitz,

I know it's your job to put up interesting content that will generate page views, but I'd like to point out that many of the situations in the "CrossFit Fails" video you posted do not include people doing CrossFit. http://www.bobsblitz.com/2014/05/caution-4-minute-ultimate-crossfit.html

In this video there are clips from a weightlifting gym, a strongman gym, a powerlifting meet, some type of Ninja Warrior training session, people working out in their homes with portable pull up bars, and many other people working out in places that aren't associated with the CrossFit Inc. trademark. While this analogy isn't perfect, if you posted a sports bloopers video titled "NFL Fails" you would want it to show clips from the NFL and would not also want clips of the Canadian Football League, the NCAA, NFL players throwing a football in their back yard, and the Bundesliga soccer league in Germany. Whoever made this video seems to be a little confused about what CrossFit is because a lot of it definitely is not people doing CrossFit.

CrossFit is typically done in CrossFit affiliate gyms under the supervision of CrossFit Level 1 Trainers. These training sessions are usually done in groups. Many of the people in this video are working out alone, and while it's possible to do CrossFit at home alone in your garage gym, it's much more difficult to identify a person working out alone in their garage as "doing CrossFit" when compared to a group training session performed at a CrossFit affiliate gym under the supervision of a coach. Many of these clips are, more accurately, "workout fails" or "athleticism fails" of some kind. Please change the title of your post or explain some of this in text to more accurately reflect the reality of the video.

I'd be happy to answer any further questions you may have on this topic, and I thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Derek W. Fields
CrossFit Inc.

As of 11:11 AM today, the FailArmy has not changed the title.

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