9-yr-old cerebral palsy battler Logan Wilson trying to stand for the national anthem is gut wrenchingly awesome | Bob's Blitz

9-yr-old cerebral palsy battler Logan Wilson trying to stand for the national anthem is gut wrenchingly awesome

Chesterfield, MI -- Rebecca Domzalski Wilson posted this heart wrenching video of her kid Logan, 9 years old and battling cerebral palsy (and Detroit Tigers & Lions fandome...), doing his best to stand during the national anthem. Captioned with, "Even my 9 year old with CP (who can't walk) knows you're supposed to stand up during the national anthem...He loves it!"

Real American hero.

"In my opinion, I believe they are not only disrespecting their own country, a country that affords them the right to do what they did, but also disrespecting all the people who fight for this country. I do not disagree with their reasons for doing what they did, I disagree with the actions they took," Wilson said.

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