Watch AF Vet Save BMW M3 From Hurricane Matthew By Parking It Inside House | Bob's Blitz

Watch AF Vet Save BMW M3 From Hurricane Matthew By Parking It Inside House

Instagram user 'jailsup,' aka 'Randy,' aka 'S-Juan-4,' aka 'CALL M3,' aka 'D1RTY E36,' decided to pull his silver BMW E30 M3 into his Florida home in order to protect it from Hurricane Matthew.

So did the Air Force Veteran and his vehicle make it through? Randy writes, "I can't believe this right now! Huge shoutout to @motortrend for sharing my story about my car inside my house! I'm blessed to say the storm didn't really do any damage. Most importantly my car was as safe as she could be! Thanks for all the support and followers! It's a great feeling when other people enjoy your car just as much as you do!"

Out came the sun
and dried up all the rain
and the BMW M3 came out to play again...

Fun stuff.

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