FAIL: Boomer Esiason misuses 'ironic' as he rips the University of Phoenix | Bob's Blitz

FAIL: Boomer Esiason misuses 'ironic' as he rips the University of Phoenix

Leave it to Boomer Esiason. As only he can - Esiason looked to rip the University of Phoenix for its 'dismal graduation rates, job placement, and student loan repayment rates' and all that other stuff.

So how did Norman mock UOPX? By reporting that the college, "back in 2006 paid more than $150 million dollars for the naming rights to University of Phoenix Stadium." Adding, "Ironically the University of Phoenix has no football team, no basketball team, not even an athletics department."

So...the professional speaker abused the word ironic again while ripping an institute of education.

Ironic? Yes!

Ah Esiason. He could probably care less. Maryland must have run a very tight ship.

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