Donald Trump writes:
Never in my life have I seen the Democrats this angry.
They’re hoping to turn their RAGE into votes and seize control of our majority.
...We could lose if our great patriots decide to sit out the midterms and hope someone fights this battle for us.
But let me be clear: no one will fight this battle for you.
The Democrats believe America has never been great. They don’t believe that our country has defined borders. They don’t believe that our citizens are our ONLY priority.
What do they believe in? NOTHING BUT THEMSELVES.
They will support anything that gets them money and votes -- even if it makes your life harder and casts you back into the shadows, they don’t care.
We cannot let these swamp politicians back in power after they’ve trashed America and vowed to erase our borders.
I need you fighting by my side to stop them. I can’t do it alone. In fact, I haven’t done anything on my own.
Every victory I’ve ever had happened because you were there right by my side.
The president is working tirelessly for the GOP flying all over the country holding rallies and raising money. Become a RNC Sustaining Member right here right now!
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