Similarly, 2 years ago Bruce Golding's (SPORTS EXCLUSIVE! Additional reporting by Lorena Mongelli...) piece for the NY Post Craig Carton’s ‘do-nothing’ charity raised ‘a lot of red flags’ lazy piece of garbage hatchet job on Carton's work with the Tic Toc Stop charity was shoved down our throats.
We countered at the time:
Imprimis -- what about the funding of the dental appliance potentially used to treat the tics of Tourettes?
Timothy L. Hottel, Dean of the College of Dentistry at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center reportedly received $340,000 from TicTocStop, Inc., for the 'Clinical Study on Use of Oral Appliances in Mitigating Severity, Frequency of Motor and Vocal Tics.' At the time Dr Hottel was quoted as saying, "This is the first time in medical history that a multi-site study of this type has been done," said Dr. Hottel. "We are proud to be part of this forward-thinking research initiative to determine the viability of the TicTocStop appliance. This device may have the potential to help tens of thousands of people who suffer from motor and vocal tics."
How was that not mentioned in the Post article? 2 words: Rush job. We reached out to Dr. Hottel and received an out of office email. We've since reached out to John S. Covington, D.D.S., M.S., B.S.. - Professor Admin-College of Dentistry Associate Dean Dean-Coll of Dentistry at UT and are awaiting a reply. How did the Post NOT reach out and ask, "Hey, happen to take $340K from Craig Carton's charity?"
Secondly - what about Camp Carton? Now in its 4th year, Camp Carton was a weeklong sleepaway camp for children with Tourette Syndrome from the Northeast between ages 10 and 13. Camp Carton reportedly provided these children with a safe and supportive environment where they were free to have fun and build self-confidence. Just this past June WFAN had camp ambassador Ethan Smith on to talk about his experience with the Camp.
Was that all faked? If so - it's a helluva bigger story than Golding presents. Was Camp Carton 2017 faked as well?
All stuff a piece on fraud within a charity had to include. And it doesn't. Because the NYP needed to rush it up and Tweet about it and push it as an exclusive. That sucks.
Well, also released last Friday was the 'Craig Carton report' -- in the form of over 200 pages of letters of support (see: Jerry Recco, ours, and Jorge). Edited for space and yet still 20 pages long -- here are come of those letters that specifically speak to Tic Toc Stop and Camp Carton.
Ethan even joined Boomer & Carton on air.
(Here's news on that study.)
You be the judge.
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