Phil Mushnick despises recently fired Mike Francesa for 2 reasons. He told us: "Dude, Francesa and I used to be tight. He'd even admit - or at least he used to - that my columns were what landed him his own show on FAN. No fooling. You can look it up! Then he began - or tried - to use me." And that's where they split. (And that's where Phil took a huge swing Francesa) -- "Don't Fuck with my integrity."
How'd he use Mushnick? Francesa was once a WFAN mole. And he'd source stuff. And then guess what? He'd lie about it to WFAN bosses.
That and Francesa's Jew hating 9/11 loyalty oaths of course.
Yesterday as Mike's producers rolled out yet another ass eating caller - Francesa refused to address what he did.
Here's our full interview with Phil Mushnick from 2010.
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