Tuesday night was a great and triumphant evening for our Country. While Donald Trump gave a perfect State of the Union Address, Nancy threw a temper tantrum and ripped up the copy of the speech he gave her, destroying official records. She truly hates America. Take a look:
The Do Nothing Democrats are furious that, unlike previous Presidents, Donald Trump has kept his promises to the American People and now America is WINNING like never before.
Nancy’s actions were an absolute disgrace and she is everything that is wrong with the Washington Swamp. When Trump ran for President, he told you he would DRAIN THE SWAMP, and that is exactly what he plans on doing, starting with Nancy.
There’s no better way to show her just how much Americans have REJECTED her than by fundraising off her little stunt, which is why Trump wants to raise another TWO MILLION DOLLARS in the NEXT 24 HOURS.
Crushing Nancy and her liberal dreams is absolutely paramount, so Trump is really counting on YOU stepping up. Make sure she hears you loud and clear, Friends.
This is so critical that a special group of donors have agreed to an EMERGENCY DOUBLE-MATCH on ALL CONTRIBUTIONS.
Donate right here right now.
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