Sort of how they edited out Bobby Knight's chair throwing video from their playlists once they hired him.
Schilling was fired by the network in April. So ... instead of starting the film at the starting point the edited him out.
Today, NY Post editors fired Stalinist shots.
We knew ESPN management was painfully politically correct, but we never expected it to go full Stalinist.
Yet there it was: Days after firing Curt Schilling for his political deviations, the network cut him from the Red Sox documentary “Four Days in October” in Sunday night’s airing.
Exactly as the Stalin regime, whenever it purged an “old comrade” from the Communist Party, routinely also cut him out of official history.
Fine, ESPN hasn’t purged Schilling from the master copy of the film — it “merely” opted to slash him out while editing it down to fit Sunday’s timeslot.
But it still defies common sense: Schilling’s triumphant victory — and the famed Bloody Sock — is the most iconic single part of the story of the Red Sox’s epic four-game comeback against the Yankees in the 2004 American League Championship Series.
Pitching far sooner than doctors wanted after ankle-tendon surgery, he saved his team from elimination in Game 6 by sheer sweat, tears and blood — enough blood to soak the sock.
Which now sits in the Baseball Hall of Fame.
ESPN is a private company; it had every right to fire Schilling because it didn’t like a few of his social-media posts. (And never mind what it let Keith Olbermann get away with all those years.)
The network can censor its own content as it chooses, too — however petty and childish that choice reveals it to be.
But it’s a darned strange way to show “progressive” values.
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