Craig Carton's explosive charge: 1/2 the Seattle Seahawks D snorts Adderall | Bob's Blitz

Craig Carton's explosive charge: 1/2 the Seattle Seahawks D snorts Adderall

New York, NY - WFAN shock jock Craig Carton has had a fascination with Adderall for some time now.

Probably because it's essentially cocaine.

Today's shocking charge from Carton?

Half the Seattle Seahawks defense is hopped up on the prescription drug.

Oh, and bad guy Chris Simms is outing even more ex-teammates. This time reporting that he knew players who snorted just to get through 7AM meetings. (Simms had previously outed Texas teammates for taking cash.)

CBS' Bart Scott throws in an admission of almost having a heart attack in a game after taking something given to him by Lorenzo Neal to boot.

That's some declarative statements right there...

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