From the endzone video of Auburn's Ashley Ward's kickoff to the face | Bob's Blitz

From the endzone video of Auburn's Ashley Ward's kickoff to the face

ashley ward auburn kickoff

Much like her Yankees -- former ESPN intern and current Auburn University Athletics photo and videographer Ashley Ward had a rough weekend after taking a kickoff off the face Saturday during the Tigers crazy win over LSU.

Auburn Media Relations photographer Colin Edwards writes, "If you were watching ESPN tonight or have social media, you have probably already seen this. On the kickoff earlier in the quarter, Ashley Ward got mad at me for knocking the ball away as it bounced towards us because she was gunna catch it. So, on this kickoff, I stood back to video as the ball came right at her. The rest is history... And VIRAL."

I got it. I got it!

"Seriously though, she's alright and took it like a champ. What a night."

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