Mike Francesa does not want to hear about his Jew bashing of 15 years ago | Bob's Blitz

Mike Francesa does not want to hear about his Jew bashing of 15 years ago

It was very heated. It was very emotional. Mike Francesa and Chris Russo attacking Jews 15 years ago after 9-11.

But for those who don't recall, here's a summary from the NY Post:

Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, in a long, on-air simplistic, facts-barren and bigoted spew that seemed taken from the Josef Goebbels How-To Handbook, [Mike] Francesa not only laid the mass murders at the feet of Israel and on the heads of Jews, he strongly suggested that Jews are unpatriotic Americans, thus make suspect U.S. citizens.

WFAN still has been unable to find the tape from that day — what a coincidence! — and Francesa has denied saying any such things. But he’s a liar. As did many others, I heard him, and wrote about it then. And if I’m wrong, if I made this story up then had it published here, that would be highly actionable, a slam-dunk, can’t-lose libel suit. So then sue me.

More recently, when I again raised this issue here, Francesa again, on the air, denied it, this time adding that a Jewish watchdog agency had even given him, in this matter, clearance.

Really? Which agency? Who, where, when? Tell us. Show us. If the tape is missing, or was erased, or eliminated, or just disappeared or it’s being subjugated, how could any group have issued him such a thumbs-up, declaring that he never spoke such things?

Or was this another lie atop another lie?

Oh, well, we’ll just have to place an asterisk next to [Ryan] Braun’s name in the record book, perhaps a yellow Star of David. It must come as some consolation to Francesa that Braun won the National League MVP and not the American.

And it will not be discussed on WFAN, ok?

Here's Phil Mushnick's not lost tapes. Part 1:

Part 2:

And that is why WFAN ordered Eddie Scozzare to destroy the loyalty oath tapes.

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