Hilton Head Island 10/10 Matthew Update | Bob's Blitz

Hilton Head Island 10/10 Matthew Update

Phillip Weimer continues to do yeoman's work on HHI. Here's his mid afternoon 10/10/16 Post Hurricane Matthew up of Hilton Head Island:

Yummy House is open, Publix is also. Mid Island Shell also. Not much else. 278 is mostly cleared. Side roads are still a mess.

Not much different than any of the post from yesterday. Biggest change is that most of all the water has gone down so trees are the main problem now.

Electric still being worked on, many still without (we haven't had since Friday). They are working hard to get it done..big thanks to all the Linemen out there!!! I will be leaving to fly back to hurricane free Ohio! Check out @nursett72 and @mattamelung. They are 17 year residents that we were staying with (family!!). They are gonna try to keep posting as things get cleaned up to let everyone know what is going on.

Hope everyone finds their homes, family and friends in good shape!

Hope we helped get word out a little, we got what we could from where we could!

God bless!!

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