Pro golfer Mathias Lynne Schjolberg's Happy Gilmore trick shot is just pure insanity | Bob's Blitz

Pro golfer Mathias Lynne Schjolberg's Happy Gilmore trick shot is just pure insanity

Listen - one can only briefly try and describe what you're about to see Mathias Lynne Schjølberg (a Norwegian born former captain of the Arizona State Men's Golf Team who is currently the 1873rd ranked pro golfer in the world) do with a golf ball, a golf club, and his foot. Let's try this: A run up, planting on the left front leg as he punts the ball with his driver stepping through hitting the ball up with his ... right foot. Ball now in the air the driver is put back in play Happy Gilmore baseball bat style hitting it cleanly, far and straight.

Oh come on man!

As you'd expect...Schjolberg's golf ball juggling is also mind blowing.

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