2 years ago Mike Francesa claimed The Pentagon asked him to help Army Football | Bob's Blitz

2 years ago Mike Francesa claimed The Pentagon asked him to help Army Football

Mike Francesa knew of a secret high level blue ribbon panel put together by the Pentagon that included Bill Parcells & Tom Osborne whose mission was to improve Army Football.

Oh, and they called Mike too, ok? (Francesa did such a good job with the Dept. of Defense that -- the Big East called him.)

Craig Carton mocked Francesa's Pentagon claim at the time, then joked about his fat, slack-jawed appearance on ESPN's 'The U.'

And Carton was right. On December 15th, 2014 we requested of the Pentagon any communications with New York's Michael P. Francesa, Michael Patrick Francesa, or Mike Francesa available via the FOIA.

When the report arrived...go figure - Mike Francesa lied.

Based on the information contained in your request, the Defense Intelligence Agency searched its system of records for responsive documents. Despite a thorough search, no documents responsive to your response were found.

Not exactly stolen valor, but bad enough.

The Department of Defense has been testing a .50 caliber bullet that can change direction mid flight. Seems Francesa was 'involved' in that too.

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