Faltering Sports Illustrated cutting 7 issues in 2017 | Bob's Blitz

Faltering Sports Illustrated cutting 7 issues in 2017

Back in 2012 of a struggling Sports Illustrated we asked, "How long until SI is 48 pages long and coming out bimonthly?"

Wednesday morning we tweeted:

Later that night we went into the problems further (in a piece titled, "How long until Sports Illustrated lays off more due to Extra Mustard's methods?").

Sports Illustrated is not doing well. How badly? Muscleless Kate Upton covered yet another boring BS 'Swimsuit Edition' and no one gave two shits.

Continuing, we asked, "How bad is SI.com? Alexa says...this bad:"

Well - Keith J. Kelly confirms -- it is that bad. "Sports Illustrated is cutting its frequency by seven issues in 2017, to 38 from 45. The cut in frequency will shave mailing and production costs."


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