Want to know how one knows Bill Simmons never ever listens to Mike Francesa except when he's on the show for promotions sake? Stating that "Mike Francesa doesn't have to do ad reads on WFAN. It's a bone of contention."
Which is just natural given Mike never watched Bill's cancelled after only 16 episodes thing on HBO. Francesa stated at that time, "I never watched even one episode of his show, I have to apologize. Bill has to realize that sometimes things go up, sometimes things go down. Bill is a guy who is amusing as a writer, he is a very good idea guy. He is not a good TV guy and he never was."
Yep, no ad reads whatsoever. No sheets. No Valentine's Day flowers, pajamas, or bears.
No reads for Ocean Financial Credit Union.
And certainly no reads for Ray Catena's Maybachs.
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