A-Rod on WFAN: MLB players need to do sprint work to avoid injuries | Bob's Blitz

A-Rod on WFAN: MLB players need to do sprint work to avoid injuries

Alex Rodriguez on WFAN today discussing why Major League Players get hurt so often: "They don't do sprint work. Not to sound like an old man but you have to do sprints."

You know how you like to listen to Lou! Especially when you're in Vail Colorado not having hip surgery because you never get hurt!

Yesterday, we implored: "Note to MLB: What your teams (every damn team has guys on the DL for hamstring, glutes, intercostal muscle injuries) need is sprint trainers. Sprinters reap health benefits in much less time and their workouts (think downhill sprints, HIIT sprinting, ladder workouts and hill sprints) build functional muscles. Not Yoenis Cespedis I look big and I look so tight that running to first is going to pop a hammy."


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