Dude got a banana marked GF on an All Nippon flight after asking for gluten free meal | Bob's Blitz

Dude got a banana marked GF on an All Nippon flight after asking for gluten free meal

Martin Pavelka was flying All Nippon Airways from Tokyo to Sydney late last month where he asked for a gluten free meal for his 9 hour flight when he was given the shaft.

He got a banana marked “GF.”

“When the stewardess came to me, she said, ‘We’ve got a special meal for you’ and I got the banana,” he said. “I asked, ‘Is this a joke?’ She just said, ‘I’m really sorry, that’s the gluten-free meal.’”

“On this flight, I was left literally speechless. One single banana arrived,” he said. “All other passengers were served full breakfast meal consisting of eggs, sausage, mushrooms, bread, and yogurt.

“This was a nine-hour flight. Although definitely gluten free, the banana did not keep me full for very long,” he said.

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