What those tomato & asterisk icons mean next to movies on Comcast's X1 Xfinity | Bob's Blitz

What those tomato & asterisk icons mean next to movies on Comcast's X1 Xfinity

If you have Comcast's Xfinity X1 - you've noted the little graphics next to movies. Here's what they mean.

  1. The "Fresh" critic rating - a red tomato.  The Tomatometer is a "Fresh" critic rating - a high 60% minimum overall rating and reviews from at least 40 critics.
  2. The "Rotten" critic rating - a green "splat." is a "Rotten" critic rating 59% or less positive. (That's not an asterisk...it's a green tomato that's gone splat!)
  3. The negative review icon, a green and white popcorn container on its side. means less than a 59% positive score (less than 3.5 star) from audiences at Flixter and Rotten Tomatoes.
  4. The positive review icon, a red and white upright popcorn container. is a 60% + or 3.5 star positive score from audiences at Rotten Tomatoes and Flixter. 
See - the 4 star rating was way too easy. And just who the critics are? Anyone's guess.

As is why Comcast doesn't explain the system or have it as an answer to an asked remote control question.

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