Watch hands full of food Chris Christie get in the face of a Cubs fan who heckled him | Bob's Blitz

Watch hands full of food Chris Christie get in the face of a Cubs fan who heckled him

chris christie cubs brewers
Would you like some of this big bowl of food I've got, honey?

Chris Christie apparently dragged NJ State Police Executive Protection Unit to Milwaukee to watch the Brewers / Cubs because his kid works for the team. Brad Joseph, Cubs fan, politely told him he sucked. That's when Christie, backed by said NJSP, eyeballed Joseph's girl pal while calling him a big shot.

Look - you scream 'YOU SUCK' at someone and you deserve what you get. don't have State Police behind you and, guess what Christie? You're getting nailed.

Probably should have nailed you anyway. Enjoy private life in a few.


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