Boomer Esiason takes another thinly veiled shot at Craig Carton | Bob's Blitz

Boomer Esiason takes another thinly veiled shot at Craig Carton

Phil Simms is filling in for the suspended Craig Carton again on WFAN today. Call it dry white bread toast radio and just more reason to get Gregg Giannotti in there and Jerry Recco OUT, stat. (An awkward Boomer Esiason, 11 years in, is uncomfortably uncomfortable handling phone calls.) Boomer took another shot at Craig Carton stating, "[Throat clear, Phil] you're not in here to be a shock jock or any of that other crap!"

And all that other stuff.

Gambling addiction: A chronic illness Boomer has no problem mocking. (Friday...Esiason referred to Craig Carton as a gambling expert.)

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