Sean Hannity: The NFL forbid 9-11 & dead cop tributes but it allows this BS kneeling?! | Bob's Blitz

Sean Hannity: The NFL forbid 9-11 & dead cop tributes but it allows this BS kneeling?!

Sean Hannity joined The Five yesterday and he pointed out what a hypocrite, pandering buffoon Roger Goodell is. The NFL banned, completely stopped, Dallas Cowboys players from wearing a sticker for the 5 dead officers. They wouldn't let Avery Williamson wear 'Never Forget' on his sneaks on the anniversary of 9-11. But they allow these 12%ers to kneel during the anthem?! Bullship!

Boycott these NFL sponsors until it cleans up its flag act like it disrespected the memory of 9-11.

The Five took a hard look at the NFL's kneeling idiots.


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