NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart confirms official sponsors of the league are hurting | Bob's Blitz

NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart confirms official sponsors of the league are hurting

Papa John's stock is down almost 15% since Donald Trump called on NFL players to respect the United States flag!

And now -- NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart confirms official sponsors of the league are hurting:

“NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart has confirmed that multiple official sponsors of the league – including Papa John’s – have expressed concerns to the NFL about how sliding TV viewership in the 2017 season relative to 2016 has affected these sponsors’ business,” Instinet wrote in a note. “Specific to Papa John’s, it has been reported that Papa John’s has directly informed the NFL that its sales during the times NFL games are being played and broadcast are down year-over-year.”

Bam! Boycott these NFL sponsors until it cleans up its flag act.

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