3PM they're giving $300 and at 5PM they're giving $500 away to random callers. (Three hundred at three o'clock! Five hundred at five o'clock! Sponsored by the dopes at 5 Hour Energy and lots and lots of cash register sounds.)
You can't make this up.
And you know, now WFAN is promoting such with that, you know, English challenged clown Bart Scott making the, you know, international symbol for money and the horrific Maggie Gray letting, like, everyone know via the 'making it rain' gesture that the show is, like, simply like three whores stealing money from Entercom.
You know?
Here's what's on deck for todays Afternoon Drive @CMBWFAN 💰💰 pic.twitter.com/9GXNcKgx16— WFAN Sports Radio (@WFAN660) February 28, 2018
Oh my god.
And Twitter users reacted.
And just seconds after Bart Scott asked, "Do anybody know, like this is like Sector Seven, what Davis Webb is?" A caller proclaimed, "Eli Manning will be here long after you're gone at WFAN."
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