Breaking: Don Gorske just ate his 30,000th Big Mac | Bob's Blitz

Breaking: Don Gorske just ate his 30,000th Big Mac

Remember Don Gorske from the awesome 'Super Size Me' documovie? He just ate his 30,000th Big Mac.

Gorske, 64, told The Post on Sunday that he has been eating two McDonald’s Big Macs every day for the past 46 years – and the only thing he wants to do in retirement is shove even more of them into his mouth.

“I love the patties, I love the sauce, I can’t get enough of it,” Gorske, 64, said two days after eating his 30,000th Big Mac at a local McDonald’s near his Fond du Lac, Wisc. home.

“I’m trying to get to 40,000, and that’ll take me another 14 years,” said the retired prison guard.


He says he purchases six Big Macs on Monday, eats two on the spot and puts the rest in the refrigerator at home.

“I don’t freeze them, I just put them in the fridge and take them out when I want one. I microwave them, I like them like that,” Gorske said.

On Thursday, he buys eight and goes through the process again.


He said the burgers make up about 90 percent of his diet.

He also consumes at least one McDonald’s Fruit N’ Yogurt parfait a day.

“My wife was at me to eat more fruits and vegetables, and the parfaits at my local store are only $1,” he said.

Gorske said he “can’t remember” the last time he ate an apple or a banana.

“Last year, I had some corn,” he said.

Over the past 44 years, Gorske has only gone eight days in total without consuming a Big Mac.

And on those days, it was because he had to do double shifts at his former job at Waupon Prison and couldn’t get out the door.

“You can’t take Big Macs in front of the inmates,” he said.

And that just made you want McDonald's -- admit it.

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