Two teenage illegals broke ankles & backs trying to climb over a border wall...taken to a U.S. hospital | Bob's Blitz

Two teenage illegals broke ankles & backs trying to climb over a border wall...taken to a U.S. hospital

Two teenage migrants were injured when they fell from an 18-foot border fence in Yuma, Arizona. One of the girls, a 14-year-old from Guatemala, was hospitalized with several broken vertebrae.

Two teenage girls were injured climbing a US-Mexico border fence into Yuma, Arizona. Video shows the first girl, a 14-year-old from Guatemala, falling 18 feet and struggling to crawl away. She was taken to a hospital in Phoenix with several broken vertebrae.

The second teen, a 17-year-old girl, fell and broke her ankle. They were part of a group of six migrants, two adults and four minors.

The Yuma sector has seen an increase in fence-related injuries since the recent surge of Central Americans illegally crossing the border to seek asylum in the US.

According to the Border Patrol, this video highlights the fact that the only safe way to enter the country is through legal points of entry. They say they have recently seen a spike in this type of injury in the area.

Taken to a hospital in Phoenix?........ More wasted taxpayer dollars. They should've been taken to a hospital in Mexico. And mom should be charged with child abuse.

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