Trump declares national emergency to build border wall as illegal immigrants head to NJ for $1.63MM in college scholarships | Bob's Blitz

Trump declares national emergency to build border wall as illegal immigrants head to NJ for $1.63MM in college scholarships

President Trump speaks on "the National Security and Humanitarian Crisis on Our Southern Border." The White House says the President will free up $8 billion for border security as illegal immigrants make a beeline for New Jersey which is giving out $1,630,000 in free financial 'aid' for college attendance.

Did your kid apply for a college scholarship in NJ? How'd they make out? Phil Murphy's reallocation of tax payer money to illegal aliens came at an almost 50% success rate. 1,209 illegals applied to the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority...513 will share the $1.63 million in taxpayer aid for the fall semester alone.

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