Pancresta | Bob's Blitz



Pancresta may cause heart disease, swelling, allergic reactions.

Do not take Pancresta if you are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant.

If you have a problem with addiction, do not take Pancresta, as smoking Pancresta may mimic the otherworldly high of heroin.

Chopping up and snorting Pancresta may amplify and/or enhance sexual experience.

Rock concerts on Pancresta may be excessively transformative.

Pancresta may cause intense philosophical and scientific breakthroughs.

Pancresta can be delivered directly to your home, and since we're here, why not, we'll do a bump.

(SNIFFS) Pancresta is not for everyone, just the sexy people.

Lame losers should not take Pancresta.

Pancresta Family Guy Girl, Internetted. Season: 17 Episode: 19



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