Craig Carton Rise & Fall movie on its way | Bob's Blitz

Craig Carton Rise & Fall movie on its way

bobs blitz

Martin Dunn led Today newspaper in the UK to Newspaper of the Year and as Editor-in-Chief of the New York Daily News he led the Snooze to two Pulitzer Prizes.

Now Dunn's StreetSmartVideo is filming the story of the downfall of radio superstar Craig Carton.

Carton, the former co-host of the #1 rated Boomer & Carton show on New York's WFAN, was the most dominant voice on morning sports talk radio in the country when he resigned from the show in 2017 after being arrested by the FBI.

The film will look in detail at the rise and fall of a radio icon and will hit HBO Wednesday October 7, 2020 at 9PM.

Craig recently commented to us on the current state of flux of NY sports talk radio.