WWE's Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine Checked out a Blitz T at Rick's Cabaret This Weekend | Bob's Blitz

WWE's Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine Checked out a Blitz T at Rick's Cabaret This Weekend

WWE Hall of Fame wrestler Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine stopped by Rick's Cabaret New York the other night and had a great time - staying late and posing for photos with some of the lovely Rick's Cabaret Girls.

Valentine was in New York City signing autographs at the annual "Comic Con" during the day. He came by Rick's Cabaret for dinner and enjoyed the 26 ounce "Cowboy Steak" and the company of two Rick's Cabaret Girls: Stacy (32-23-32) and Nina (38-26-35).

"He was so nice. Not what I expected," said Nina. "I told him that my dad loves wrestling and we also talked about sports."

"I told him that Bob's Blitz was a great site for all kinds of sports stuff, and he said he would check it out," Nina said.

"Stacy and I had a lot of fun with him. I'm not going to be scared of big wrestlers anymore," she explained.

Greg used to have an ongoing 'feud' with Blitz bud Pedro Morales.

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