Bob's Blitz Knifed at WFAN Studios [Video] | Bob's Blitz

Bob's Blitz Knifed at WFAN Studios [Video]

WFAN radio's Craig Carton uses a Bob's Blitz T-Shirt (like the one on Jenn Sterger, above) to punish interns because, unlike some Fannies, he doesn't like to humiliate the youngsters. (Actually, CC has always stood up against 660's poor treatment of the CSB talent. Eggroll anyone?)

Yesterday, Craig had FAN intern Lupus wearing the blue T during the Boomber & Carton show.

Today? Some disturbing news. Someone at WFAN attacked one of the shirts with a sharp object (so we can eliminate Francesa's tongue as a suspect). Morning show producer Al Dukes suggested looking for who we may have pointed a light at. (Looking at you, RA & MM)

And, btw, you've now screwed with CC's property. Word is - he's looking for you. (Here is Lupus, pre-attack)

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