Cunnilingus Leading Cause of Throat Cancer, Late Night Facial Washing in USA | Bob's Blitz

Cunnilingus Leading Cause of Throat Cancer, Late Night Facial Washing in USA

"An individual who has six or more lifetime partners...on whom they've performed oral sex...has an eightfold increase in risk [of throat cancer] compared to someone who has never performed oral sex," Dr. Maura Gillison of Ohio State University told a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

That's right young white men: Researchers studying the human papillomavirus say that in the United States HPV now causes 64 percent of oropharynxl cancers...

Of course, the researchers then pointed out how maybe, just maybe, men should start getting Merck's HPV vaccine, GARDASIL® - and not risk missing out on the growing VAERS reports of death among females who have received the vaccine...

Note: Some of Gillison's research is funded by Merck, the pharmaceutical company that makes GARDASIL®.

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