Boomer Esiason Classically Handsome: Rick's Cabaret Dancer Sky | Bob's Blitz

Boomer Esiason Classically Handsome: Rick's Cabaret Dancer Sky

The Boomer and Carton show was held at Connolly’s in NYC yesterday. In addition to Esiason and Carton - the girls of Rick's Cabaret (the official gentlemen's club of Bob's Blitz) where there to announce WFAN's Bracket Of Babes 2011.

So what was the effect of working with Boomer, Craig, and Jerry Recco on 21-year-old Sky? She had to lay down...

But don't worry - everything was fine and we got her back up.....rocking the Bob's Blitz T-Shirt.

"Craig was a cutie, and Boomer was handsome, in the classic way," Sky told us. "I listen to WFAN Sports Radio - I have to because there are always athletes here at Rick's Cabaret and I want to know what's up."

Before leaving us, Sky added, "And my fav website is Bob's Blitz - thanks for the tee-shirt, I am going to wear it to bed tonight," she said.

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