They are when you live in a 7,462 sq. ft. home, you proletariat pukes. (btw, the average sized home was 2,349 square feet in 2004) Phil Mushnick writes today:
Wednesday on Mike Francesa's WFAN/YES simulcast, a riff about Osama bin Laden's last home address -- remember, there's nothing Francesa doesn't know -- led to his claim that a 3,500 square-foot house is the av erage size of a local home.
When a caller, "Chris in Jersey," tried to tell him that
he's way off -- that 3,500 square feet is far from average -- Francesa dismissed him as a know-nothing, angrily shouting over him. Naturally.
In Francesa's regal world, 3,500 square is a shed, but in the real one that's roughly four bedrooms, 2½ bathrooms, dining room, living room, kitchen with eating area and den.
Francesa's house has been for sale roughly since he bought it in 2008. Bitch all you want folks. $5 million per year gets you 5 garages and a big ole house.
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