Chong: We F#cking Did It...No, not that one - the NTU Valedictorian [Video] | Bob's Blitz

Chong: We F#cking Did It...No, not that one - the NTU Valedictorian [Video]

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore: 23-year-old communication studies graduate Trinetta Chong, NTU's valedictorian, ended her speech with the following from the Dr. Seuss classic Oh, the Places You'll Go!:

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. YOU are the guys who'll decide where to go...Congratulations to the graduating class of 2011. We fucking did it!"

"The F-word was said in the spirit of the moment," she told Yahoo! Singapore. "At that point, I was feeling really emotional, after 16 years of education and all we had been through... it slipped out. It wasn't scripted at all," she said. And then she Mushnicked: "I said it at that time because I was feeling all those emotions, but I deeply apologise if I offended anyone," she said.

Let the Blitz continue.

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