Dennis Rodman Busy Working on a Cure for...Hangovers | Bob's Blitz

Dennis Rodman Busy Working on a Cure for...Hangovers

Dennis Rodman launched His "Gtox" Milkshake at Millions of Milkshakes in Culver City yesterday. Gtox Contains antioxidants and glucarate or 'fast recovery and efficient liver detox' from alcohol consumption. (Full ingredient list: Purified Water (water), Potassium Glucarate (see below), Sucralose (sugar substitute), Citric Acid (preservative), Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C), Natural Flavors, Sodium Citrate (flavor or as a preservative), Potassium Benzoate (preservative) And Potassium Sorbate (preservative).

That's a lot of preserving.

“Glucarate has significant scientific data behind it related to detoxification in general,” says Loretta Zapp, CEO of Austin-based Applied Food Sciences. “The GTOX shot’s citrus flavor tastes great, provides you with antioxidants, contains no caffeine or other stimulants, and so far our test market consumer response has been fantastic,” adds Jackson Zapp, Director of GTOX marketing. “It really works.”

We found no peer reviewed studies proclaiming it really works!

Gtox runs about $2.50 per bottle and you need to take 1 bottle per 4-5 drinks.

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