Sid Rosenberg's agent Mark Lepselter finds Mike Francesa 'comical' | Bob's Blitz

Sid Rosenberg's agent Mark Lepselter finds Mike Francesa 'comical'

Mark Lepselter, founder of Maxx Sports Entertainment, agent for Giants RB Tiki Barber, former NFL safety Rodney Harrison, Hall of Fame LB Lawrence Taylor, Brandon Tierney of 95.7 The Game, WFAN’s Joe Benigno and Sid Rosenberg, sat down with Mike Silva recently. Lepselter is not a big fan of Mike Francesa:

"I get a kick out of Mike saying someone else is difficult to deal with, it is rather comical....I will leave it at this - I do my job, and as long as I know I did my job for my client or friend that's all that matters. I will promise you this...there is never any grey area with me before something transpires. The folks involved know exactly where I stand on it, and this particular incident [A reported scuffle with Francesa at the Super Bowl] was no different and no different than the one in June with Tiki."

Full conversation over at Sports Media Watchdog.

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