Soccer's Aaron Ramsey blamed for death of Whitney Houston, Steve Jobs | Bob's Blitz

Soccer's Aaron Ramsey blamed for death of Whitney Houston, Steve Jobs

OK, ready for this one? English Premier League (EPL) 'star' Aaron Ramsey has scored 6 goals in his 6 year career. The last 4 have 'lead' to the deaths of some famous folks. He scored for Arsenal on Saturday and Whitney Houston died. Before that?

The coincidences began last May, when the Wales captain scored for Arsenal against Man United. The next day, al Qaeda terror leader Usama Bin Laden was killed.

In October, Ramsey scored against Spurs, three days before Apple boss Steve Jobs died.

Later that month, he scored against Marseille in the UEFA Champions League. The next day, Libyan tyrant Moamar Ghadafi was shot.

No, really. This was reported.

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