Wally Backman delivers an epic, profanity laced post-game speech for the Peanuts | Bob's Blitz

Wally Backman delivers an epic, profanity laced post-game speech for the Peanuts

Recall The One Where Wally Backman is Ejected, Throws 22 Bats, a Bucket of Balls and a Bucket of F-Bombs?

And now sit back and enjoy this extra footage from "Playing for Peanuts" - a documentary about minor league baseball - in which Backman delivers an epic, profanity-laced tirade during a postgame speech to his team.

Batting practice?! We're talking about batting practice?! Yes, yes we are.

That was the lead-in to Buddy York's NSFW postgame speech. Yeah, quite a day for the South Georgia Peanuts!

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