War Hero Pat Tillman's 'Just in Case' Letter to his Wife Marie is Tough | Bob's Blitz

War Hero Pat Tillman's 'Just in Case' Letter to his Wife Marie is Tough

The Letter: My Journey Through Love, Loss, and Life is Marie Tillman's, Pat's widow, new book. She writes "about her journey to remake her life after Pat's death. In it, she recalls meeting and falling in love with Pat when they were kids, his harrowing decision to join the army after 9/11, and the devastating day when she learned he'd been killed."

The NY Post's Susannah Cahalan writes:

When Pat Tillman was deployed to Iraq for the first time, he did something he had done throughout his love affair with his wife, Marie — he wrote her a letter.

Except this one was never meant to be read.

It sat through two deployments on the bedroom dresser, eventually buried under piles of receipts and greeting cards.

Then, during Pat’s tour in Afghanistan, Marie got the news she had long feared. Her husband would never be coming home.

That night, she crept to the bedroom dresser, unearthed the letter and opened it.
She immediately recognized his familiar scrawl. The pages were a mess of ink and scribble. There were words and whole sentences crossed out.

That letter, and many more, are found in My Journey:

“It’s difficult to summarize 10 years together, my love for you, my hopes for your future, and pretend to be dead all at the same time . . . I simply cannot put all this into words. I’m not ready, willing or able.

Through the years I’ve asked a great deal of you, therefore it should surprise you little that I have another favor to ask. I ask that you live."

Last week, Marie Tillman launched a Web site, Just in Case Letter, urging people to contribute a final letter to their loved ones.


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