Mark Sanchez' Jets West Has More Security Than the White House | Bob's Blitz

Mark Sanchez' Jets West Has More Security Than the White House

Why were there "five uniformed Orange County Sheriff’s Department deputies (one of them openly sporting a shotgun) in four marked vehicles, as well as several other plainclothes officers at the entrances" guarding a police taped off Mission Viejo High School yesterday? Because NY Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez was holding Jets West 'training camp' there:

Though the police might have seemed necessary to deal with an influx of Tebow Mania, which suddenly reared up in the form of nearly a dozen autograph-seekers when he came off the field, tight end Dustin Keller said Tebow’s presence had nothing to do with it.

“Mark just wanted to keep the distractions out,” Keller told The Post. “After what happened last year [an 8-8 finish and home for the playoffs], he wants all of us totally focused on football and the job at hand. [No media allowed] is not what we’re used to back in New York, but it makes sense here.”

Keller said Sanchez gladly invited Tebow to Jets West, and that Tebow was one of the first players to arrive at yesterday’s workout.

“Tim’s been great, he’s a fantastic teammate, and he’s been a lot of fun to be around,” Keller said. “Mark feels the same way. It’s great having him out here. All he wants to do is help us get better.”

The Post added: "Sanchez’s relationship with the mercurial [Santonio] Holmes, which appeared to be in tatters at the end of last season, also appears to be mending at this year’s Jets West. Holmes attended the first two days, and the two even tweeted a picture of themselves having dinner together at a nearby restaurant."

“All that stuff is old news,” Keller said of the Sanchez-Holmes bickering. “The camaraderie among all the guys on offense right now is really good.”

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