Probable Couch Potato Twitter Slobs Criticize Gabby Douglas' lack of a Tight Bunhead | Bob's Blitz

Probable Couch Potato Twitter Slobs Criticize Gabby Douglas' lack of a Tight Bunhead

Twitter black belts have a new target: Multiple gold winning Olympian, 16-year-old Gabby Douglas. Her ponytail isn't tight enough for a few, probably unkempt, Twitter users:

'Gabby Douglas gotta [sic] do something with this hair! These clips and this brown gel residue aint it!'

"I know every black female looked at gabby douglas's hair and asked Why? Just why?"


"So for real though nobody wanted to go to London to do Gaby Douglas' hair?"

"Gabby Douglas is cute and all..but that hair........on camera."

'In Olympic news, why hasn't anyone tried to fix Gabby Douglas' hair?'.

The fact that this is even a circulating 'story' sums up the petty jealousy of many failures. Twitter user SPmusik summed this up for us.:


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